Just Add Yoga is Jess’ second business, a company that offers a fun way to do yoga. It n now has over 15 teachers and hosts and operates in 3 cities!
Do you have an epic side hustle or debt payoff story to share with us? We’d Love to Interview You for Millennial Boss.
1. Please tell us a little about yourself in a few sentences.
Just Add Yoga introduces people to yoga, one drink at a time. We offer approachable, fun, and community-oriented yoga classes in bars, taprooms, and tasting rooms. We believe that yoga doesn’t have to be so serious. You don’t have to be able to do the splits or stand on your head. You don’t even have to be able to touch your toes. Join us for a class whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned pro. Cheers!
PS: Hi! I am Jess Fleming and I am the Co-Founder of Just Add Yoga
You can find us at Just Add Yoga Events, on Instagram, on Facebook at @justaddyoga, or by email at [email protected]
2. What did you do before you started your own business? If you are still employed full-time, please share a little but about what you do in your day job.
Started another business. Ha! I think the last time I was not self-employed was when I was 22 working at a local gym 🙂
3. Who were some influencers in your decision to be an entrepreneur?
I was truly an accidental entrepreneur and was willing to take a risk since I was young and eager. My boss at the gym had retired from Amazon at 35 and wanted to do good. So, he helped mentor me when I started my first business.
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4. How did you prepare to take the leap both financially and in your business? Please reference what you saved, if you learned new skills, if you moved, etc.
Like I mentioned previously, I was young and working at a gym, so the money I made in my personal training business was waaaay more than I was used to. Starting Just Add Yoga has been more of a calculated risk since I made a ton of mistakes previously. But, being prepared, i.e. figuring out health insurance, retirement savings, and how you’re going to have cash flow are the three areas I always suggest exploring before making the jump into owning your own thing.
5. If you quit your job, were you already making money on the side before you decided to quit your job? Tell us about that. If you are still working full-time, what would make you leave your job?
Yes, Just Add Yoga was more of a side hustle before it became a thing. On my first business, I went all in pretty quickly since it was fairly easy to gain business at the time.
6. Who else works on your business with you? Did you hire anyone to help? When did you decide to bring that person on and how did you find them?
My co-founder Dawn is my number 1. But, we now have 15 teachers and hosts that work with us in three cities. Our first year in business, it was mostly us, but after that, we realized the value in variety. There are so many amazing folks out there that we had to introduce our community to them.
7. What was your worst day so far as an entrepreneur and what was your best day? What happened on those days?
I don’t have one specific bad day, really. There have been some major stressors, like ‘Is this worth it?, ‘How are we going to pay the bills?, ‘And sh*t, we have to fire this person’ but that all comes in stride. They all felt big at the time, but looking back, they all made us better business owners and people. Best Day? Every time we host a class and realizing that it has taken on a life of its own, whether that means people becoming besties at our events or having personal victories trying something new.
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8. What is one small “trick” or piece of advice that you have learned about reaching customers or making sales? Please be specific and provide something actionable for us.
Talk to people like they are human. Your words are really powerful, so take the time to work them in a way that makes a ton of sense to the people you are trying to reach. We run bunches of Facebook ads, so testing your copy makes a world of difference. Those ads give you real-time feedback on whether or not your words are making an impact.
9. Give us two truths and a lie about yourself so we can get to know you better personally!
I am the worst at these questions. Ha!
Truth #1: I took an accidental 7 weeks off work to wander through Europe in 2015. What started out as 3 weeks, suddenly turned into 7.
Truth #2: Every time I go to the nail salon, they tell me that my nails are so short, literally every single salon, even in other countries. Yes, I have short nail beds, but come on!
Lie: I went skydiving the last time I was in Whistler (Nope, went bungee jumping instead!)
Have you started your own business? Share it with us below.
We’re looking to feature entrepreneurs or those who have paid off debt. Sign up here to Get Featured on Millennial Boss Feature Friday.
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