Whether you want to start an Etsy store for fun, as a creative project or to make some extra money, it’s important to understand the reality of what it takes to build a successful shop. During my first month on Etsy, I made $0, but I didn’t give up. I held out and kept refining my shop, and by the time the Holiday Season rolled around, I ended up earning $1000 that first year. That might not seem like much, but … [Read more...] about How I Made my first $1000 on Etsy
12 Month Action Plan for Etsy Success
When it comes to selling on Etsy, it’s unrealistic to assume that once you have some listings up, customers will come flocking to your shop. I’m not trying to be negative, and of COURSE I wish great success for every seller, however, the reality is, sometimes it can take a few months to a year to get a shop really going with sales. There isn’t just one reason why this could happen, but many contributing factors … [Read more...] about 12 Month Action Plan for Etsy Success
Understanding Etsy Statistical Tools and Metrics
As an Etsy seller, one of your main responsibilities is to make and ship out your actual products! However, there's also the whole "running a business" aspect to having a shop as well, and that's JUST as important as getting those amazing products out! There are so many different elements to running a business that most of us don't think about when we start, but they're integral for us to focus on in order to grow … [Read more...] about Understanding Etsy Statistical Tools and Metrics
How to Boost Etsy Rankings
The Etsy platform works by using a specific algorithm that connects a potential customer’s search query to products that might match what they’re looking for. The algorithm takes quite a few elements of an Etsy shop as well as it’s listings into account to help give your shop strength in the search results based on what the customer searched for. Even though words play an integral part in this connection, there … [Read more...] about How to Boost Etsy Rankings