If there is one thing you take away from this income report it's that paid advertising absolutely rocks and you should absolutely consider it. December was my HIGHEST REVENUE MONTH EVER. And it's all thanks to Facebook ads! Huge thanks to Bobby & Mike of Laptop Empires for opening my mind to paid advertising. More to come on that later.. The above income report is pretty standard for what I'm … [Read more...] about December Income Report YESSS – $6,698
income reports
May Side Income Revenue Report (Etsy + Blogging) – $2,335
I'm OBSESSED with Etsy this month! Income is on the upswing since we kicked off the FIRE Drill mastermind in March, selling digital download products with 12 of our listeners. Each month, I'm seeing more orders and higher revenue numbers. I sell bachelorette party tattoos and digital downloads, which is a fun niche to be in on Etsy. Especially now that it is summer and wedding season is in full swing. I … [Read more...] about May Side Income Revenue Report (Etsy + Blogging) – $2,335