I'm excited to share today's guest post on why athletes blow their money from Michael at Super Millennial. This is an interesting topic for many of us, who wonder how athletes making hundreds of thousands of dollars can end up losing it all. As kids, we all at one time or another envisioned being a professional athlete. We imagined hitting the game-winning shot, scoring at the buzzer or racing through the … [Read more...] about Athletes Blowing Their Money – Why The Top Athletes Lose Their Fortunes
Archives for November 2017
Managing Resentment and Stress as the Female Breadwinner
Behind the Scenes With A Female Breadwinner – And A Mom Hi all! I’m Liz, the Chief Mom Officer, and I’m so happy that Millennial Boss invited me over to her site today to talk all about one of my favorite subjects – being a breadwinning woman and mother of my family of five. I’m going to tell you the background of how we got to this work arrangement, talk about some of the challenges, and discuss a bit … [Read more...] about Managing Resentment and Stress as the Female Breadwinner
My October Online Income Report – Rocking $1587 in Revenue
If you're coming from Pinterest, welcome. In this report, I detail how I make money online. I recommend starting here with my about page or my step-by-step guide on how to start a blog. I never intended this monthly income report to be a blogging income report. After reading The 4-hour Work Week, I wanted to be some sort of female Tim Ferriss and I love making a few hundred dollars here and there on various … [Read more...] about My October Online Income Report – Rocking $1587 in Revenue